Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Winning Requires Effort And More From You

You'd win more if you did more.

You want to be rich, but how many times have you tried to make money? 

How many times have you spent an entire day dedicated to making $1000?

Once? Twice?

You have 365 days in a year and you've used three???

You'd win more if you did more.

You're a failure because you don't do anything, you don't even try.

How many punches do you think a world champion boxer has thrown?

How many paintings a world-renowned artist has painted?

How many businesses has the billionaire started?

You hear about the wins, but you've never heard about the losses.

You lose because you never do.

You try once, lose and quit.

You'd win more if you did more.

Raw action solves everything.

 So, how often have you ever won while doing the least amount of effort? I'll continue using a mindset of me over the next guy to achieve a common victory in all battles that come my way.

Thoughts On The Carlson-Putin Sitdown

A simple analysis of the Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview that occurred a few days ago.

I am only street-smart.

I've never professed to be anything else.

But these street smarts have taken me to the highest echelons of finance and fame without selling my soul, leaving me pitted in a mortal battle against The Matrix for my very life and freedom.

I analyze the speech with no "expertise" besides my understanding of how simple the world can be when you rule out the impossibilities and are left with the few options that could be possible.

Unmatched perspicacity. 

Many people are going to praise the interview regardless of what was said because Putin is respected and idolized for his nationalism and track record of competency. 

These are the exact two qualities the common man is calling out for and never seems to find in Western "leadership".

Many are going to consider the interview a fumbled chance to deal a death blow to the USA in the midst of a culture war.

Tucker gave him many chances to nail the West hard for failing its people.

Why not mention election fraud?

Why give a lesson on Russian history the average Westerner has little interest in?

Why not mention the LGBT agenda destroying the family?

Why so softly state the US Dollar is failing when he could have highlighted it far more poignantly?

My thought patterns are simple.

Putin's track record displays brutal competency.

"You will know them by their fruits" - Matthew 7:15-20

A man who produces results IS competent. 

The idea that he "missed a chance" or "made a mistake" is brutal arrogance from a layperson.

We do not possess a fraction of the understanding of geopolitical power structures and interconnectedness that Putin does.

His track record displays absolute effectiveness, so I doubt he forgot to mention many of the things he has often mentioned to Russian state media.

He DOES say these things when speaking to Russians but he did NOT say them when speaking to the West.

He DECIDED not to. 

The question is why?

WHY would Putin not want to accelerate the decimation of faith in Western institutions by its constituents?   

We should all accept the following statement to be true:

He knows things we do not know.

Coupled with the track record, we can state as a matter of fact that:

Putin is competent and knows things we do not know.

Overall, I would describe his attitude as altruistic. 

He didn't care very much. 

He sees the global mess as America's problem to fix.

Not his.

He could have said things that would have accelerated the ending of the war in Ukraine by galvanizing public support against it.

He did not say those things.


Does he want this war?

I don't know.

Are intelligence agencies already in touch?

Has a deal been done?

Is he avoiding rocking the boat because he has favorable agreements from "the other side"?

I don't know.

I repeat.

Putin is competent and knows things we do not know.

He did highlight evidently that America will fall anyway, with or without the Ukraine war.

He seems confident America will fall with or without the insanity purported by the Western elite simply because of a refusal to understand a changing global landscape and population dynamics, along with the weaponization of the dollar.

I think many expected a death blow to the US establishment and a highlight of the culture war and considering his competence, knowledge and experience, the most likely scenario that this didn't happen is simple...

Galvanizing the American public to get their act together isn't good for Russia.

America and the collective West are already acting exactly how he would want them to act.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte


Day 33 and Where Are You

Do you remember all the excitement you had back in December?

2024! NEW YEAR!

Do you remember all the commitments you made to yourself?

The promises?

I'm on my 1128th day since I made the commitment to train every single day without rest.

What day are you on for your commitments?

Remember when you said you were not going to scroll social media anymore?

Remember the daily training you were supposed to still be doing?

Remember how you were going to stop fucking up and finally take life seriously?


It's not even been 5 weeks.


And you just give up?


Does your word mean so little? 

I understand that you have excuses, what I do not understand is why you don't just stick to your commitments anyway.

Do you think the day I got my house raided and thrown into a cell that I missed that day's training?

You will read this email and you will give yourself another excuse for why breaking your own promise to yourself was justified.

And that's why you will stay poor and miserable forever.

And when you read this email, there are two different reactions you can have.

1) Continue breaking your 2024 commitments to yourself, justify it and make excuses for why you will remain a worthless worm.

2) Get back to daily training, back to the daily SUFFERING and make yourself proud.




Claim Your Demons

Truth is light.

Censorship is darkness.

The Matrix requires deception.

Demons can only operate in the dark.

The demons run from the light.

They hide in dark crevices and snap at anything close.

But they will not walk into the light.

These demons are deathly afraid of you knowing their plans.

But they are even more afraid of you knowing who they are.

They will do anything to snuff out the light.

They will do anything to destroy the men who shine too bright.

Do you understand? Let me know in the comments. 

A Cold Hard Truth

The cold hard truth is that in this life no good deed goes unpunished.

If you aspire to make a dent in this world,

If you aspire to become a positive event in the history of man.

Something recorded and recognized as having made a significant impact on mankind's trajectory.

Prepare yourself.

You will be attacked.

They will come from every angle possible,

They will come before you even fully recognize you are a player in this game.

The greater your influence, the greater the sophistication and scale of the assault on your life.

It is an open secret.

A fact designed to scare you into obscurity.

A fact to dissuade you from reaching your full potential in this life.

As a man who is being punished for making an impact on this world.

The nobody kid from Luton who turned into The Top G,

I assure you,

It is all worth it.

If you won't change the world for the better,

If you won't pass on a better world to your children and your children's children,

If you won't take the risk,

Who will?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Be brave, be strong.

Become a player in this grand game of life.

Make a positive impact on this world.

The attack will come, but there is a solution.





January 6th In Another's Eyes

The events of January 6th are often compared to the Civil war. I do not see it this way, as I am not retarded.

The events were actually closest to the Boston massacre: Unarmed people rioting, redcoats firing shots into the crowd.

The difference? The 1770 redcoats were actually tried. John Adams represented them. Two were convicted of manslaughter.

Redcoats being tried in America in 1770 was unheard of. Two of the grievances in The Declaration of Independence describe a two tiered justice system, including mock trials for redcoats, and redcoats being shipped overseas to have an unfair trial or no trial at all.

In 2024, we are living out many of the grievances outlined by Thomas Jefferson and our Declaration of Independence, from that two tiered justice system, and the establishment waging war in the people, to taxation without representation and a government that serves only itself.

History doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Today in 2024, I don’t think about how “our democracy” was almost overthrown by Americans with flags, redressing their grievances. I am acutely aware that this government has devolved the very thing our founders were willing to commit treason to stop.

I’m thankful for our Bill of Rights particularly our ninth and tenth amendments. These are the failsafes for when tyranny would inevitably come to America again. I’m thankful for XdotCom, where we can openly have this conversation, without the fear of being censored or unpersoned at the command of the government.

It’s easy to become demoralized when you see what the government is doing to us — whether it’s inflating our dollar and taxing us into poverty, amplifying agendas that come for our kids, or trying to start World War III with nuclear superpowers. I know It doesn’t always feel that way, but there is always reason for hope.

So for now, exposing their lies, and talking about the stories they really don’t want you to talk about, and above all, never stop making fun of your enemy. Your power to expose them lies in their humiliation. Happy fake insurrection day.

Grab Your Wins When They Arrive

Consistency is the only shortcut.

Compounding interest.

Work today, work tomorrow, work every single day.


Never missing a lucky day because you try every single day.

Never have a day where you get rusty, worse or lose what you had.

Permanently trying and permanently ready to try again.

It’s the fastest way to the top.

The quickest way to get what you want.

And as the world gets more competitive, it is soon becoming the only way.

Do you actually want it or not?

 Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.


Are You Working Hard Enough

Hard Work is enough, "Working Hard" is not.

A Gold Miner cannot succeed if he digs where there is no gold.

A Farmer cannot succeed if he plants his crops where there is never any water, sun or nutrients in the soil.

The average view Hard Work as a man who spends most of his days working.

The 18-hour shift McDonald's chef, who has worked that same shift for over 40 years is "Working Hard".

But he will never become Wealthy.

Careful deliberation on WHAT to work on, is work itself.

The Miner who digs where there is no Gold could dig 20 hours a day, every day.

He could dig for 50 years straight.

When the average says he is "Working Hard" I see him as the lazy man he is.

He will remain poor because he was too lazy to do the deliberation on WHERE to mine.

Too lazy to use the God-given gift of perception and deduction.

He has the indefatigability,

But no perspicacity.

Identify where the world is going before you decide on where to plant your crops,

Analyze the terrain before you begin to dig,

The EFFORT required to keep your eyes open, THINK and process what you see and come to a conclusion.

THAT is included in the TRUE definition of Hard Work.

Do not buy this lazy interpretation the average preach.

"Working Hard" is never enough.

Do you ever think about what the future holds?

Where we are going?

I scream at you A.I. and I tell you about Social Media.

I introduce you to the idea of Cryptocurrency.

Pass on the importance of Marketing, Sales, Speech, Fitness and FIGHTING ABILITY.

I tell you about the newly important and pass on the forever-important.

I even show you the best place to learn it all.

I am trying to make it easy.

But you will always need to do the Hard Work yourself.

Do not end up "Working Hard" with nothing to your name.

The Matrix wants you "Working Hard" they don't want you to do Hard Work.

Do you understand?

Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.

TRUTH Is The Main Focus When Leading

The Matrix can be better understood when you understand,

That people don't want to hear the truth.

The truth is too harsh.

Most people want to feel good,

Fat? It's not your fault.

Poor? Bad luck.

The Matrix is not designed for your well-being, it's designed for your compliance.

It's not optimized to give you the truth, it's optimized to make you feel good.

The truth often stings, lies can be crafted and polished for comfort.

Tatespeech shocks the system,

I'm enemy number one because Truth breaks the peace.

You don't need to be poor, it's not genes that have made you weak.

You could own everything you've ever wanted.

You could become richer than Elon Musk.

If you weren't such a coward.

If you weren't so ignorant.

If you weren't so lazy.

And you could change ALL OF THIS if only you'd stop being so arrogant and LISTEN.

I'm not here to try and make you feel good about yourself.

I'm here to tell you THE TRUTH.

You could become the greatest version of yourself that could ever exist.

But will you do it?

The choice is yours...

Chinese Influence In Your Life - Good or Bad

Chinese Foreign Policy is superior.


Because it's CREATIVE.

The Chinese come into a destroyed country with NOTHING but natural resources.

And do a deal.

They will completely BUILD the country from the ground up.

They will build infrastructure, EVERYTHING.

They will do upkeep, they will manage it.


China makes money on everything of course, but they BUILD and MANAGE everything.

It's natural to profit off of the growth of a country and nation.

And this is why China is so influential in so many "Third World" nations.

This is how China holds power and influence on the world.

They make you rely on them by offering you A SERVICE.


China holds power over America because THEY MAKE EVERYTHING AMERICANS BUY.

The entire argument against "evil" China is that they constantly try to make stuff and make you dependent on them.

USA foreign policy is simple.

Listen to the USA or they will FUCK YOU UP.

It's the threat of violence.



It's an influence that only lasts with absolute power to annihilate the enemy.

China's influence lasts as long as China is helpful to other countries.

People often wonder why I'm so influential.

It's because I help people.

Listen to Tate and your life gets better.

I promote ONLY positive things that benefit people.

THE REAL WORLD is the best educational platform on planet Earth which has birthed over 10,000 success stories of people who went from nothing to something.

THE WAR ROOM has connected masculine, honest, good and capable men from across the world and created the largest positive spiral of win-win wealth creation in modern times.

I write a daily email that resolves itself to be a bastion of advice to those looking to increase one's self-worth. 

Have you used the message form on the right side of this blog.

Use it to commune with me. Let me know what your opportunities to gain while living a retired or laboring lifestyle.

I'm very interested in where you are in your journey. No opinion or story is out of reach from my understanding. 

Don't allow the Chinese to be an immovable force in your community. Continue the fight. Self-governance and a profitable life is very important. 

Stop Being A Could Have Been

You cannot turn back the clock.

You can't take back any moves,

There is no rematch when this is all over.

You, have misplayed your hand.

You failed when you NEEDED to succeed.

And you are currently living with the consequences.

Life is very fair.

Winning makes winning easier.

Losing makes losing easier.

There's a version of yourself who for the past 4 years did everything he was supposed to do.

Went to the gym whether he felt like it or not.

Looked at the chaos of the world and thought about how to position himself.

Worked tirelessly, 24 hours a day, every day, focused on a single goal.

That version of you is happy now. The game is easy for him.

He's won, made multi-millions during the easiest time to make money on earth.

He's rich, well-off and focusing on his next moves without the same level of pressure to perform.

And he could've been you.

The best time to do what you were supposed to do was yesterday.

The second best time is now.


Failure only makes winning harder.



Be Prepared For The Storms On Deck

Make friends like there will be a supply chain or social infrastructure collapse and you will have to rely on each other for survival. 

Make friends like the world is about to get HARD and your government doesn't actually care about you.

Make friends like you may have to go through the hard times that make good men.

Because you will need to.

The world isn't becoming MORE peaceful.

Peace is not the natural state of humankind,

You forgot this because your parents forgot this.

Your grandparents knew this, but it is not easy to instill such concepts STRONG enough for them to hold.

The natural state of humanity is WAR.

It is CHAOS.

It's unpredictability, it's change.

It's winners win MORE and losers lose MORE.

It's less middle class, more ultra-wealthy, and more slaves.

It's accelerated change and game-changing innovations.

It's adapt or lose.


Prepare before it’s too late. 


Education Matters

Education is the bedrock of success.

I do not mean university degrees or the traditional schooling system.

I am talking about REAL EDUCATION.

Collecting information about how the world truly works.

Throughout history, public schools have often been designed based on the needs of the country.

Need rocket scientists to reach the moon?

Focus heavily on physics and sciences.

Need to produce world-leading microchips?

Focus heavily on electrical engineering and computer sciences.

Need a group of consumer slaves?

Focus heavily on 20+ genders and how to use pronouns best.

The University system today, isn’t what it used to be.

University used to be a low-cost, high-return investment.

It used to be exclusive to the doctors, engineers and lawyers of the world.

Wanted to become someone of importance 50 years ago? Go to University.


Have you ever wondered how the greatest commercial rocket business SpaceX is run by a man without an aerospace degree?

University is not designed to make you rich.

It’s not designed to do anything but keep you happy as you hand them hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Because of the monumental failure of the educational system,

I have decided to let people know about the ALTERNATIVE.

We only teach you one thing - how to get rich, QUICKLY. 

We have over 10,000 testimonies from students who became rich from our platform. 

Watch the videos yourself. 

See ordinary people making extraordinary money. 

These people are all winning and you are still losing. 


I present you.

The Matrix tried to stop us from owning this domain - the Matrix failed. 

The Matrix is crumbling and must accept we are freeing the minds of fast movers - 

And we have space for 2500 new students inside The Real World. 

Join through this link urgently. 

I will broadcast an email when all of the spaces are taken. 








Learn how to make money online, urgently and instantly. 

Winners win. 

Losers wait. 

The WORLD is waiting for you.

The Progressive Liberal Checklist

Have you seen yourself doing any of the below? 

They convinced you to mutilate your children’s genitals because you allowed the media to raise your kids

You’ll hate whomever they tell you to hate and advocate murdering them because facts don’t matter 

They’ve convinced you they’re on “your side”. They’re not. 

They’ll come for you and they’ll have armed IRS accountants knocking on your door 

 They’ll turn you against your fellow man over the flu. 

They’ll vilify you for non compliance when a fatally flawed graphene oxide laced “vaccine” is mandated 

 They’ll persuade you to give up all your freedoms because it worked in the first plandemic. Part II is coming 

 You’ll cheer and wave your Ukrainian pride flag over $200,000,000,000 payouts for their money laundering scheme 

 You’ll do all of these things because you’re a progressive “woke” liberal clapping monkey who resists critical thinking

How much of a pillow biting progressive liberal are you? Did you check any of the boxes above? Share your thoughts and opinions below. All voices are appreciated.

Being Capable of Resistance Builds Character

Beautiful buildings, historical monuments, religious sites. 

These are one-of-a-kind, irreplaceable, immovable, beautiful objects.

And beauty inspires resistance.

The natural state of man is to defend beautiful things.

Children are beautiful,

Women are beautiful.

Men NATURALLY come to their defense.

This is why you have noticed, in the past 10 years, there has been an agenda to have beautiful things removed from society.

When homelessness and violence spike in a beautiful little town with a unique landmark built centuries ago.

You are given two options.

1) Leave to safety, and watch the beautiful landmark you grew up admiring fall into the swamp from a distance.

2) Stay, and RESIST. 

When there's nothing beautiful about your city, nothing unique.

Why would you care?

You'd just take your family, friends and personal things and leave.

There's nothing of beauty at stake.

Just another ugly building being vandalized, no big deal.

Can go find another ugly building the next town over,

Or find another ugly building one country over.

When your country is devoid of all beauty, removed all patriotism and history.

When they remove any reminiscent of a beautiful unique culture under the guise of inclusiveness.

Why would you care that the government is corrupt and the country is being raped by global corporations?

You can just pick up your family and leave.

Beauty inspires RESISTANCE.

That's why they were built by the ancients.

That's why they are being removed by the modern.

Every day you see a monument removed.

Every day they teach you your ancestors were bad.

Every day they put up that new ugly building after demolishing an "unsafe" beautiful one.



It is purposeful.

Be vigilant in all you do.


A Man's World Deserves Defined Roles

Relationships are great. 

But know this,

As a man every serious struggle you face in life, you will face alone. 

When the assailant pulls a knife and aims to kill you. 

Your woman cannot help you. 

You will help her solve her biggest battles. 

She will send you love as you head off to face your own.

Women are a luxury. Self-ability is a necessity. 

I fully depend on my woman for nothing.

When I was in jail, I did not expect her to pay the bills.

I do not expect her to run the empire.

The things she does for me are things I could easily do for myself. 

When men say their wife is their number one ally, this is a man with minor struggles.

When the mafia is threatening to shoot my mother in the head.

When I’m in the ring with broken bones.

When I was stabbed.

I cannot call my girlfriend and ask for “help”.

You need BROTHERS for war.

Ask a woman directly. 

Do you want to help me with my problems? 

Look in her eyes.

Look how she instantly is less attracted to you. 

“Um. What problems?”

Fix your own and fix hers. She doesn’t belong in a life or death battle.

That is a man's world.



Are You Hero or ANTI-Hero

Every superhero was always based on the traits and values of real living men.

Superman, Batman, Wolverine,

All of them were based on REAL traits exhibited by REAL men.

Bravery, Strength, Intelligence, Loyalty, Generosity, Compassion. 

All the beautiful traits of man get collected and put into this near-perfect hero.

Superheroes make great role models for children because reality is a very messy place,

Very rarely is the path to success a straight line.

Almost all truly exceptional people have been through some version of hell.

Only in hell fire is your soul malleable enough to truly forge.

The Matrix has purposefully killed off all the superheroes.

The Masculine Role models are nearly all dead.

James Bond,



The traditionally masculine man who fought evil, sometimes disobeyed some orders and protected the people.

They've all been removed from the Mainstream, only butchered feminized versions left in their place.

I am not a perfect human, but I do have many of the qualities of a superhero.

Embrace your weaknesses and conquer them with diligence.

Become the master hero of your particular community.