Gauging Successes Versus Failure

Did you succeed or fail?

You were given 4 days to make 2000 dollars.

Today you need to look back at your actions and admit failure or defeat.

Did you even try?


Are you so demoralized, such a complete slave, that you thought the task was impossible?

Someone your age,

Someone in your exact position,

Received the same challenge you did.

And through sheer determination, grit and ingenuity, succeeded in making the 2000 dollars.

It's not that you COULDN'T do it.

It's that you thought it was impossible for you, so you didn't even TRY.

 Taking tasks like these and capitalizing on them can bring a huge benefit. But after the achievement - what next. 

Make the goal larger, the start smaller and you will see outstanding gains. Did the gamble payoff? When you reach a failure pint do you give up, entirely?

I think you shouldn't. When you arrive at a point where you can attain successes constantly. Then and only then you learn your limitations of your capabilities. 
After finding this point,  your achievements will be plenty fold. 

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