Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts

Found An Intriguing Post on GME

Idiosyncratic Risk

Tesla was the rich squeezing the rich

Overstock was a very similar situation

Gamestop is a risk factor to the system created and maintained by the wealthy, designed to take money from the lower classes.  

When this rocket takes off it does more than make a lot of people rich.  It proves they were right.  It highlights systemic risk, blatant disregard for trading laws, and demonstrates the willingness of the wealthiest people in the world to risk economic stability to maintain a status quo.  It literally means the world gets to see Wall Street on parade.  

Even if they try to control the narrative, there's so much evidence uncovered in the last couple years that is archived online...They're fucked.  

Tesla and Overstock meant hedgies rough housing with hedgies.  They're mean in the moment, but they'll grab a brew and do some lines together that night.  

Gamestop changes the face of the foundation of the investment system and breaks the carefully crafted empire built on fake debt and multitudes of leverage that will never be properly repaid.  

These are the death throws of a system bleeding from its own greed.  Just remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened and remember, turbulence is normal and necessary to reach the destination.

Smart Investment Strategies for Early Retirement


Image Source: Unsplash

Understanding financial freedom and early retirement

Financial freedom and early retirement are goals that many people aspire to achieve. The ability to live comfortably without the constraints of a traditional job can provide a sense of freedom and fulfillment. However, achieving financial freedom and early retirement requires careful planning and smart investment strategies.

To understand financial freedom, it is important to define what it means to you personally. For some, it may mean having enough money to cover basic living expenses and enjoy leisure activities. For others, it may mean having a significant amount of wealth to pursue passions and philanthropic endeavors. Whatever your definition may be, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your financial goals before embarking on your journey towards early retirement.

Once you have defined your financial goals, it is essential to assess your risk tolerance. Investing involves a certain level of risk, and it is important to determine how much risk you are comfortable with. Some individuals may be more risk-averse and prefer safer investment options, while others may be willing to take on more risk in pursuit of higher returns. Understanding your risk tolerance will help guide you in choosing the right investment strategies for your journey towards financial freedom and early retirement.

Before embarking on your journey towards financial freedom and early retirement, it is crucial to assess your financial goals and risk tolerance. Understanding what you want to achieve and how much risk you are willing to take will help you make informed investment decisions.

To assess your financial goals, start by determining your desired lifestyle in retirement. Consider your living expenses, travel plans, hobbies, and any other activities you wish to pursue. Take into account potential healthcare costs and inflation to ensure you have a realistic estimate of your future expenses.

Next, evaluate your current financial situation. Calculate your net worth by subtracting your liabilities from your assets. This will give you a clear picture of where you stand financially and help you set realistic goals for your journey towards financial freedom.

Once you have a clear understanding of your financial goals, it's time to assess your risk tolerance. Ask yourself how comfortable you are with taking risks and how much volatility you can handle in your investment portfolio. Consider factors such as your age, income stability, and time horizon for retirement. Younger individuals with a longer time horizon may be more willing to take on higher-risk investments, while those closer to retirement may prefer a more conservative approach.

Time for Student Loan Repayments to Begin

Over the past three years lots of freeloading and entitlements were given. From people that stopped paying rent to those of higher education nit wanting to pay their student loans. All of this due to the fear of a head cold, a cough, and a fever.
Well, the Supreme Court of them United States has spoken. The campaign promise of them lying installed president has finally been to rest. All of you deadbeats will have to start paying back your debts racked up while you pursued a useless education.

Starting Sept. 1, interest on student loans will resume. Payments will follow in October, though the exact date will depend on the servicing company. The Department of Education is expected to give more details in the next few months on the specifics of the restart.

The Biden administration previously said the student loan payment pause would be lifted after the Supreme Court ruled on President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, or two months after June 30. That scheduled was later tweaked to the September/October dates.

The SCOTUS decision – expected in June or July – factors in as well. The nation’s highest court is deciding if Biden’s plan to forgive as much as $20,000 in debt for people with federal student loans, can proceed. Even if it upholds the White House plan, some 25 million Americans will still have some loan balance remaining, according to Department of Education data.

The government will start these loan repayments back e n force and they interest accumulation will go on as well. These deadbeat dirt bag "adults" are lucky they didn't have interest rates accumulating while they weren't paying.

Catfish Derived Financial Advice

The famous economist Milton Friedman (Milton Friedman) predicted in 1999 that there will be a virtual currency in the future, which will become a global currency that can be used for cross-border transactions and payments. Economist Fernando Alvarez (Fernando Alvarez) also made a statement saying, "The form of currency in the future will be more diversified, digital currency and cryptocurrency will become mainstream, but traditional currency will continue to exist, and currency will continue to exist." The choice will depend on market demand and personal preference.” This world of money built on blockchain technology seems to be rushing towards us. This is the future development trend of the cryptocurrency market.

Does all of the previous blockchain talk interest you? Why not possibly look into all of the available assets for yourself. There are thousands of technology projects looking to take advantage of now opportunities for small amounts of four money. Be aware to never go into debt seeking out future financial gains. 

Will Social Security And Other Payments Be Late

I've been seeing some videos on YouTube centered around this whole US debt default situation. As a person that is heavily invested in both lifetime retirement payments from the government, I'm worried.
I really heavily on these payments to sustain my lifestyle and keep a roof over my head. I have never missed a rent payment or bill since I moved into my current apartment right before the covid19 plandemic.
Listening the dire voices on these content creators make me worry a bit. I'm not ready to liquidate my backup assets for this month. Are you?
Clickbaiting titles and other techniques that the YouTube creators use really pisses me off. Nobody should induce worry into another person like that, just for views and ad views on their videos. If the checks are released and deposited on the normal date of deposit I will go back to each video and give them a piece of my mind.

Focusing On Credit Score Improvement


The best way to raise your credit score when you have bad credit is by understanding the factors that contribute to your score. Here are the five factors used to calculate your FICO® Score and how you can get high marks in each one:

  • Payment history (35%): On-time payments are the key to excellent credit. While you can't undo previous late payments on your credit file, you can avoid late payments in the future. That's the number one habit you need to raise your credit score.
  • Credit utilization (30%): Your credit utilization is the sum of your credit balances divided by your combined credit limit. For example, if you have one credit card with a balance of $200 and a limit of $500, then your credit utilization is 40%. The lower you can keep this number, the better. A good goal is to always have your credit utilization below 30%. If yours is higher, then you should focus on paying off debt.
  • Length of credit history (15%): Creditors will obviously consider a borrower who has had a credit card for 20 years to be less risky than one who has only been using credit for three months. The best way to improve in this area is to open a no-annual-fee card and keep it open forever.
  • Credit mix (10%): It gives you a slight credit score advantage if you have both revolving credit, such as credit cards, and an installment loan on your credit file, instead of just one of the two. But since this has only a small impact on your credit score, you shouldn't take out a loan solely to boost your credit. You can attain an excellent credit score even if you only use credit cards.
  • New credit inquiries (10%): When a company looks at your credit report to make a credit decision, this inquiry is reported on your credit report for two years. Credit inquiries only affect your FICO® Score for one year, though. Don't avoid opening a new account just because of the small impact to your credit score, but don't open a bunch of accounts in quick succession, either.

Pay Attention To Current Bank Rumblings

 Last week, Americans were shaken by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the second-largest bank failure in US history and the biggest since the 2008 financial crisis. Questions are being asked about how a collapse like this could happen. A growing group of analysts and leaders are pointing to a rollback of regulations for banks like Silicon Valley and are calling on Congress to reinstate the repealed rules to ensure the protection of the economy and the safety of American banks. If you agree, sign the petition now.

Take heed to the notice from the current events. Your fiat currency and storage centers, aka banks are built upon debt. And with easy credit dried up, your deposits are backing banks and supporting their crazy schemes of earning off of your deposits. The federal deposit insurance corporation cannot shore up the savings of thousands of banks. A collapse is on the horizon.
Do you think the US government with this current administration is going to support you if your money goes away, poof in the night? They won't.  
Become your own bank by buying physical gold and silver with any funds that you find available. Sell the clutter built up in your garages. That clutter could turn into food preparations and possibly a few ounces of silver bullion.

Credit Freeze Comes In Handy

Sometimes you have to protect your reputation. I seem credit scores as reputation material. Providing creditors the ability to see your buying and paying history as important. I found a good tool to use if seeking credit is out of my needs for the next year or so.

A credit freeze prevents lenders from checking your credit report in order to open a new account. A freeze may also prevent your information from being released for other inquiries, such as an employment or a rental application. Federal law allows certain transactions – such as those for insurance purposes – to continue even while a credit freeze is in place, and you should continue to monitor your credit. If you have a freeze on your credit report, you will need to remove it before you apply for credit.

When you are ready to apply for a new loan or credit card, simply log in to remove your freeze here.

If I freeze with TransUnion do I need to freeze with the other bureaus?

You can freeze your TransUnion credit report with us, but to freeze your other credit reports you must contact each of the other credit agencies. Their information is below.



Could someone access my credit report even though I placed a freeze on it?

Yes, but only in certain situations that are allowed by federal law. A freeze won’t stop someone from checking your credit in order to:

  • Underwrite insurance
  • Review your account or collection (maintain, monitor, upgrade or enhance your account, or increase your credit line)
  • Provide credit monitoring services you subscribed to

You can find a detailed list of exceptions here.

Note: You have the right to limit "prescreened" offers of credit or insurance you get based on information in your credit report. If you want to remove your name and address from prescreen mailing lists obtained from the major credit reporting agencies — TransUnion, Equifax, Experian and Innovis — click here.