A Man's World Deserves Defined Roles

Relationships are great. 

But know this,

As a man every serious struggle you face in life, you will face alone. 

When the assailant pulls a knife and aims to kill you. 

Your woman cannot help you. 

You will help her solve her biggest battles. 

She will send you love as you head off to face your own.

Women are a luxury. Self-ability is a necessity. 

I fully depend on my woman for nothing.

When I was in jail, I did not expect her to pay the bills.

I do not expect her to run the empire.

The things she does for me are things I could easily do for myself. 

When men say their wife is their number one ally, this is a man with minor struggles.

When the mafia is threatening to shoot my mother in the head.

When I’m in the ring with broken bones.

When I was stabbed.

I cannot call my girlfriend and ask for “help”.

You need BROTHERS for war.

Ask a woman directly. 

Do you want to help me with my problems? 

Look in her eyes.

Look how she instantly is less attracted to you. 

“Um. What problems?”

Fix your own and fix hers. She doesn’t belong in a life or death battle.

That is a man's world.



Are You Hero or ANTI-Hero

Every superhero was always based on the traits and values of real living men.

Superman, Batman, Wolverine,

All of them were based on REAL traits exhibited by REAL men.

Bravery, Strength, Intelligence, Loyalty, Generosity, Compassion. 

All the beautiful traits of man get collected and put into this near-perfect hero.

Superheroes make great role models for children because reality is a very messy place,

Very rarely is the path to success a straight line.

Almost all truly exceptional people have been through some version of hell.

Only in hell fire is your soul malleable enough to truly forge.

The Matrix has purposefully killed off all the superheroes.

The Masculine Role models are nearly all dead.

James Bond,



The traditionally masculine man who fought evil, sometimes disobeyed some orders and protected the people.

They've all been removed from the Mainstream, only butchered feminized versions left in their place.

I am not a perfect human, but I do have many of the qualities of a superhero.

Embrace your weaknesses and conquer them with diligence.

Become the master hero of your particular community.


When Thoughts Ramble Into the Ether

I am extremely grateful for everything I have.

God has blessed me with the perfect upbringing, the perfect combination of light and dark.

Pushed to the edge JUST ENOUGH to feel absolute suffering.

I know pain INTIMATELY.

He has allowed me to be hurt.

Yet I am alive.

This gratefulness is what motivates me to give back to the universe,

I heard about Bitcoin SOMEWHERE. I turned this whisper into money.

I heard about Storm Gym SOMEWHERE. I turned this whisper into power.

I had a great father and mother.

I was GIVEN all my opportunities by the universe and capitalized on each one absolutely.

You have been given the same chances.

I have told you about The Real World. You can turn this whisper into money.

I have told you about THE WAR ROOM. You can turn this whisper into power.

I have concrete evidence that your life is good...

Because you are signed up to this email list and spoken to daily by Andrew Tate. 

Directly from his desk.

To you.

If you are reading this, you are very lucky.

You have a certain path to become financially free for yourself and your loved ones.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is right here.

You have it.

But ultimately it is YOU reading this.

And ultimately YOU need to capitalize.

YOU need to act.

Every single thing that happened in your life, both good and bad, got you to this moment.

Be grateful for the good and be grateful for the bad.

No matter how much pain, suffering or misfortune was on the way.

It was the perfect amount to get you here.


Don't fuck it up.