Can You Be A Duke of Everything

It never fails to astonish me how arrogant brokies are.

Truly, it amazes me.

If DEEP IN MY HEART all I wanted to do was build rockets for a living and Elon Musk himself offered to put me on his team, I'd thank God for the opportunity.



I would be humble enough to join the best team of rocket engineers on earth.


And I would continue my would-be dream of rocket building.

YOU, on the other hand, would rather be the king of nothing.

You'd start your own SpaceX business with NO FUNDING, using scrap metal in your garage and talk about how you're a genius as you produce precisely ZERO functioning rockets in your lifetime.

You, like every other brokie, would rather be the king of nothing than the duke of something.

None of you have ever ONCE looked at how Great Men are BUILT.

Napoleon was once an unknown soldier.

Nelson, known as the greatest admiral EVER, started as a low-ranking officer.

They CLIMBED the ranks.

They PROVED themselves to be worthy of being given RULE over everything.

They worked with their brothers in arms, side by side.

Rank wasn't given, it was earned.

Napoleon wasn't given the crown, he put it on his own head.

It will amaze me until the day I die.

I genuinely don't understand,

How can you be so arrogant while ruling over your pile of nothing?

How can you think you know more than people who have everything you've ever wanted in life?

How can you be so smug and confident as you continue to endlessly fail to achieve ANYTHING of ANY significance?

I truly do not understand it.

I enjoy looking up to who I am as a man.

I enjoy looking at all my accomplishments and continue to work EVERY DAY as hard as possible to add to my list of victories.

When I was a nobody, I didn't have any of this.

All I had was anger at myself for not figuring out HOW.

When my coach told me to punch differently, I punched differently.

When the richest man I knew asked me to join his company, I joined.

If I was given an opportunity, I took it.

I went from mayor, to duke to king.

Armies win wars.

And winning as a mayor is infinitely better than losing as a king.

Better the duke of everything than the king of nothing.

The secret to winning is very simple.

Stop fighting wars alone.

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