Everything you want, a nice safe home, an amazing wife, a well-paying job.
Someone else wants too.
And life is very fair,
The person who sacrifices more is the person who gets it.
When the price of a house increases it is because too many people wanted it for the original price.
The salary of work decreases because too many people will work the job for lower pay,
As the number of competitors increases,
The amount of sacrifice required to achieve or acquire increases,
A direct and positive correlation forever linked into eternity.
Immigration and the Interconnection of the internet are vastly increasing the number of competitors.
You aren't only competing against Americans, Europeans or Westerners anymore.
You are competing against the world.
I believe in competition, I like competition.
I like seeing losers lose and winners win.
THE REAL WORLD has recently just opened up its availability to every one of the 1.4 BILLION Indians in the world.
No matter the card they have, THE REAL WORLD is now able to accept their payment.
1.4 BILLION people now have access to world-class teachers, who will show them exactly how to make money online.
If you think you are safe, you are not.
THE REAL WORLD students will buy the house you want,
They will buy the car you want.
They will spend more money on it without a single moment of hesitation.
They will make more money than you.
They will become stronger than you.
If you believe you will win because you are Western, you will see just how wrong you are.
Country of birth doesn't define your quality of life anymore.
SKILL does.
And THE REAL WORLD will continue to make the most skilled money makers on planet Earth.
Join us or beat us.
That is the only way you will live the life you want.
And I promise you, there is no better financial educational platform on Earth.
We do not lose.
THE REAL WORLD always wins.