Found An Intriguing Post on GME

Idiosyncratic Risk

Tesla was the rich squeezing the rich

Overstock was a very similar situation

Gamestop is a risk factor to the system created and maintained by the wealthy, designed to take money from the lower classes.  

When this rocket takes off it does more than make a lot of people rich.  It proves they were right.  It highlights systemic risk, blatant disregard for trading laws, and demonstrates the willingness of the wealthiest people in the world to risk economic stability to maintain a status quo.  It literally means the world gets to see Wall Street on parade.  

Even if they try to control the narrative, there's so much evidence uncovered in the last couple years that is archived online...They're fucked.  

Tesla and Overstock meant hedgies rough housing with hedgies.  They're mean in the moment, but they'll grab a brew and do some lines together that night.  

Gamestop changes the face of the foundation of the investment system and breaks the carefully crafted empire built on fake debt and multitudes of leverage that will never be properly repaid.  

These are the death throws of a system bleeding from its own greed.  Just remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened and remember, turbulence is normal and necessary to reach the destination.

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