Are You Built Upon An Empire of Toilets

I have never once thought "I love writing emails".

Never once thought "I love speaking in front of a camera".

I do not love WHAT I do.

I love the outcome.

I love getting emails from people saying "Tate you changed my life".

I am a problem solver.

And the problem is that most "men" on earth are lazy cowards who would crumble under the slightest pressure from any wannabe tyrant.

Look at COVID.

You're all poor, weak and scared.

I am here to fix that.

I don't love toilets, but I guarantee you I would enjoy becoming EMPEROR of the toilet industry.

Find a way to produce toilets 10% better and 20% cheaper.

Research every material, every chemical, manufacturing plant.

I could learn the exact method to clean a toilet as fast as possible.

Learn which brush to use for which problem.

Know exactly where to clean, when to clean.

I could become the MASTER and then teach it to others.

We would out-compete every other janitorial service in my chosen city.

Then country.

Then go international.

Lobby cities to take plumbing seriously, conduct research that PROVES clean toilets save lives.

Get the word out there.

Clean toilets using clean safe cleaning chemicals that positively impact the environment.

Soon, you'll be required by the government to have your toilet cleaned every month.

Offer the service for $5/month, which comes free with your rental unit.

$5 for $0.10 in cleaning material and 2 minutes of time.

Scale it to 10 million toilets a month for one city.

Scale to 10 cities.

Have a new toilet? My manufacturer.

Want the best cleaner? My formula.

Next thing you know TATE is in every household in your entire country.

Who's Tate?

Dunno, some toilet company.

I would run a toilet empire within 10 years.

Toilet monopoly.

And the entire time, I'd never once considered myself in love with toilets.

This is why I win.

You only work on what you love doing.

I love becoming the BEST.

I love winning.

It's not about writing emails. 

It's not about talking in front of the camera.

It's about changing the world and solving problems.


You are completely USELESS when the enemy tells us all to sit in a pod and eat bugs.

I am here to try and make you USEFUL.

Rich, strong, BRAVE.

Not some bitch.

And I am very good at what I do, it's not about "loving emails".

It's about loving the results, the outcome, the problem being solved.


One Week Done...

You've spent one of your 52 weeks this year.



The idea a week is insignificant is cope.

You should look back on who you were a week ago and be GLAD you aren't him anymore.

You should be different, changed, improved.

Happy that the time moved forward and if God gave you the chance to relive the week you'd politely decline.

You used the week perfectly.

Genuinely look back on what you improved in the last 7 days.

What problems have you fixed, how much better of a man are you now?


You have 51 left.

Did you waste the first?

January 6th In Another's Eyes

The events of January 6th are often compared to the Civil war. I do not see it this way, as I am not retarded.

The events were actually closest to the Boston massacre: Unarmed people rioting, redcoats firing shots into the crowd.

The difference? The 1770 redcoats were actually tried. John Adams represented them. Two were convicted of manslaughter.

Redcoats being tried in America in 1770 was unheard of. Two of the grievances in The Declaration of Independence describe a two tiered justice system, including mock trials for redcoats, and redcoats being shipped overseas to have an unfair trial or no trial at all.

In 2024, we are living out many of the grievances outlined by Thomas Jefferson and our Declaration of Independence, from that two tiered justice system, and the establishment waging war in the people, to taxation without representation and a government that serves only itself.

History doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Today in 2024, I don’t think about how “our democracy” was almost overthrown by Americans with flags, redressing their grievances. I am acutely aware that this government has devolved the very thing our founders were willing to commit treason to stop.

I’m thankful for our Bill of Rights particularly our ninth and tenth amendments. These are the failsafes for when tyranny would inevitably come to America again. I’m thankful for XdotCom, where we can openly have this conversation, without the fear of being censored or unpersoned at the command of the government.

It’s easy to become demoralized when you see what the government is doing to us — whether it’s inflating our dollar and taxing us into poverty, amplifying agendas that come for our kids, or trying to start World War III with nuclear superpowers. I know It doesn’t always feel that way, but there is always reason for hope.

So for now, exposing their lies, and talking about the stories they really don’t want you to talk about, and above all, never stop making fun of your enemy. Your power to expose them lies in their humiliation. Happy fake insurrection day.