Are You Amateur or Professional

The difference between the Amateur and Professional are systems.

While the amateur wastes all his time remembering garbage, 

The professional uses his brain power towards tasks an alarm clock couldn't solve.

My life is a beautiful well-calibrated machine,

The only tasks I engage with are the tasks no one else COULD do the way I do them.

My coffee is served to me,

Everything that can be done by another person or machine is done by another person or machine.

I focus on tackling the important problems, I don't have to worry about whether we have coffee and cigars stocked.

This is not laziness, this is efficiency.

Your mind can only do amazing things when you have the free mental capacity to do them,

Too many of you sell your time and spend your time doing pointless bullshit.

You will burden your brain with that doctor's appointment on Monday at 8 am

Instead of setting a calendar reminder and completely wiping it from memory, so you could instead focus on defeating poverty.

You burden yourself instead of creating systems to do the unnecessary for you.

This is why you always "do not have time".

This is why you always make mistakes.

This is why you will always lose against somebody like me.

Create bulletproof systems, have your life reflect a well-oiled machine and the true secret is understanding the best well-oiled machines are made up of people..



Grab Your Wins When They Arrive

Consistency is the only shortcut.

Compounding interest.

Work today, work tomorrow, work every single day.


Never missing a lucky day because you try every single day.

Never have a day where you get rusty, worse or lose what you had.

Permanently trying and permanently ready to try again.

It’s the fastest way to the top.

The quickest way to get what you want.

And as the world gets more competitive, it is soon becoming the only way.

Do you actually want it or not?

 Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.


Are You Working Hard Enough

Hard Work is enough, "Working Hard" is not.

A Gold Miner cannot succeed if he digs where there is no gold.

A Farmer cannot succeed if he plants his crops where there is never any water, sun or nutrients in the soil.

The average view Hard Work as a man who spends most of his days working.

The 18-hour shift McDonald's chef, who has worked that same shift for over 40 years is "Working Hard".

But he will never become Wealthy.

Careful deliberation on WHAT to work on, is work itself.

The Miner who digs where there is no Gold could dig 20 hours a day, every day.

He could dig for 50 years straight.

When the average says he is "Working Hard" I see him as the lazy man he is.

He will remain poor because he was too lazy to do the deliberation on WHERE to mine.

Too lazy to use the God-given gift of perception and deduction.

He has the indefatigability,

But no perspicacity.

Identify where the world is going before you decide on where to plant your crops,

Analyze the terrain before you begin to dig,

The EFFORT required to keep your eyes open, THINK and process what you see and come to a conclusion.

THAT is included in the TRUE definition of Hard Work.

Do not buy this lazy interpretation the average preach.

"Working Hard" is never enough.

Do you ever think about what the future holds?

Where we are going?

I scream at you A.I. and I tell you about Social Media.

I introduce you to the idea of Cryptocurrency.

Pass on the importance of Marketing, Sales, Speech, Fitness and FIGHTING ABILITY.

I tell you about the newly important and pass on the forever-important.

I even show you the best place to learn it all.

I am trying to make it easy.

But you will always need to do the Hard Work yourself.

Do not end up "Working Hard" with nothing to your name.

The Matrix wants you "Working Hard" they don't want you to do Hard Work.

Do you understand?

Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.