Biden's NDAA Looks To Attempt A Conscripted Military

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a defense bill that includes a provision to automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for the military draft, also known as Selective Service. This measure is part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and is intended to ensure that all eligible men are registered for potential military service. Failure to register is considered a felony. The bill has sparked discussions and concerns among the public, with some expressing opposition to the automatic registration and the potential implications for young men. 

I myself have served in the military as a voluntary recruit. It was the mid 80s and there was a such thing as a WARSAW PACT group of countries that were full on hard for communism.
Today, there is no such WARSAW PACT in existence but there is still a NATO. Someone in the terrible biden administration is attempting to churn up the war drums. Please, embrace your children a bit harder and if they are within the target demographic make sure they remain legal.

Biden Attempts To Destroy tiktok Influencer

President Joe Biden was involved in an incident at a White House influencer party where he threatened to throw a TikTok star's phone phone. The situation escalated after Biden was asked tough questions by the TikTok celebrity, Johnathan Katz. Aides had to intervene to diffuse the situation. 

Silver Squeeze Is Percolating At Just The Right Time

It seems like there's a bit of a "silver storm" brewing in the bullion market! As of the latest data, the silver price is showing some serious muscle, with a notable surge of almost 5% in a single day. This surge, combined with the ongoing discussions about a potential silver short squeeze, has created quite a buzz among investors and market watchers.

The silver market, often overshadowed by its golden sibling, is currently experiencing a significant uptick in both interest and price. This is partly due to the predictions of various analysts and institutions, who foresee a bullish future for silver. Some forecasts suggest that silver could hit a 10-year high, reaching $30 per ounce, which would be a remarkable feat considering its last peak at this price was back in February 2013.

The World Silver Survey and the Silver Institute are also painting a rosy picture for silver in 2024, with predictions of a record-sized silver supply deficit and a forecast for silver demand to reach the second-highest level on record. This high demand, coupled with constrained supply, is likely to create an environment ripe for a potential silver bullion squeeze.

Adding fuel to the fire, there's a lot of chatter on social media platforms about a silver short squeeze. The hashtag #silversqueeze has been trending, with many users speculating about the possibility of a significant price surge driven by a silver short squeeze. This is where the fun begins, as the silver market seems to be on the brink of a potentially explosive move.

So, whether you're a seasoned investor or just someone who enjoys a good market drama, keep an eye on the silver market. It might just be the next big thing in the world of precious metals. And remember, in the words of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't panic!"