Older Women These Days Can Be Dangerous

Draya Michele has been evicted from her California home that was paid for by her previous boyfriend who is an NFL player for the Jets. After the break up they had a verbal agreement that Draya would be allowed to purchase the home. Without her name being on the mortgage paperwork a verbal agreement won’t hold up in court. Also she was not married to him so she won’t be entitled to any of his earnings at the time of the relationship. Draya says she spent her own money on upgrades in the house and planned on purchasing the house next month but instead the ex got her evicted.

I'm glad that young man finally came to his senses.  Getting that old Jezebel Spirit out from under him must be very cleansing for his spirit. Most young men are fed upon by sharks like her that hang out at all the hip spots in town. Or the older women with no love in their lives tend to congregate in spaces where high-earning men frequent. Stay spartan young men and protect your resources and your peace.

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