The bitcoin trading market is going crazy.
Armies of brokies are charging at the machine guns of seasoned traders.
A hoard of zombies prepared to lose their last money as they think they’ve "learned" how to trade because the BTC price went up lol.
The slaughter is beautiful.
Every time you lose money, someone else makes it.
And guess what... the person who makes it is a pro.
The broke people are giving all of their money away to the rich people.
It takes YEARS of practice and dedication to actually get good at anything in life.
Especially trading.
Be honest with yourself.
Have you studied charts for years? Yes or no.
Have you even been paying attention to crypto during the last boring year of almost zero movement? Because the pros were still staring at the chart for 8 hours a day.
Were you?
You really want to fight against these men?
You don’t stand a chance.
Most investors lose money so a few pros can make ALL OF THE MONEY.
Money doesn’t vanish, it’s lost by one person and gained by someone else.
THAT’S how it works.
So now... you must make a choice.
You have 3 options.
1) You can ignore the BTC price completely and miss out on ANOTHER opportunity to make money and pray that God gives you endless chances to squander as you remain perma broke.
2) You can think you know more than the pros and become a money-hungry brokie zombie and excitedly charge at the machine guns until you catch a bankrupt to the head.
3) You can learn from the pros in the trenches, sniping money from the sky, follow their exact movements and learn how to hunt.
We will tell you what trades to make, and we will also TEACH you how we know what trades to make.
Earn money and learn on the job.
Or catch a bullet.
Your choice.
Only one will make you money.
Join the winning team...the #XRPARMY

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