Early retirement requires planning and opportunities to be self-sufficient in today's economy
A Question For The Men
After Thanksgiving Thoughts
Bitcoin Running Scared
The bitcoin trading market is going crazy.
Armies of brokies are charging at the machine guns of seasoned traders.
A hoard of zombies prepared to lose their last money as they think they’ve "learned" how to trade because the BTC price went up lol.
The slaughter is beautiful.
Every time you lose money, someone else makes it.
And guess what... the person who makes it is a pro.
The broke people are giving all of their money away to the rich people.
It takes YEARS of practice and dedication to actually get good at anything in life.
Especially trading.
Be honest with yourself.
Have you studied charts for years? Yes or no.
Have you even been paying attention to crypto during the last boring year of almost zero movement? Because the pros were still staring at the chart for 8 hours a day.
Were you?
You really want to fight against these men?
You don’t stand a chance.
Most investors lose money so a few pros can make ALL OF THE MONEY.
Money doesn’t vanish, it’s lost by one person and gained by someone else.
THAT’S how it works.
So now... you must make a choice.
You have 3 options.
1) You can ignore the BTC price completely and miss out on ANOTHER opportunity to make money and pray that God gives you endless chances to squander as you remain perma broke.
2) You can think you know more than the pros and become a money-hungry brokie zombie and excitedly charge at the machine guns until you catch a bankrupt to the head.
3) You can learn from the pros in the trenches, sniping money from the sky, follow their exact movements and learn how to hunt.
We will tell you what trades to make, and we will also TEACH you how we know what trades to make.
Earn money and learn on the job.
Or catch a bullet.
Your choice.
Only one will make you money.
Join the winning team...the #XRPARMY

TRUTH Is The Main Focus When Leading
The Matrix can be better understood when you understand,
That people don't want to hear the truth.
The truth is too harsh.
Most people want to feel good,
Fat? It's not your fault.
Poor? Bad luck.
The Matrix is not designed for your well-being, it's designed for your compliance.
It's not optimized to give you the truth, it's optimized to make you feel good.
The truth often stings, lies can be crafted and polished for comfort.
Tatespeech shocks the system,
I'm enemy number one because Truth breaks the peace.
You don't need to be poor, it's not genes that have made you weak.
You could own everything you've ever wanted.
You could become richer than Elon Musk.
If you weren't such a coward.
If you weren't so ignorant.
If you weren't so lazy.
And you could change ALL OF THIS if only you'd stop being so arrogant and LISTEN.
I'm not here to try and make you feel good about yourself.
I'm here to tell you THE TRUTH.
You could become the greatest version of yourself that could ever exist.
But will you do it?
The choice is yours...

Chinese Influence In Your Life - Good or Bad
Chinese Foreign Policy is superior.
Because it's CREATIVE.
The Chinese come into a destroyed country with NOTHING but natural resources.
And do a deal.
They will completely BUILD the country from the ground up.
They will build infrastructure, EVERYTHING.
They will do upkeep, they will manage it.
China makes money on everything of course, but they BUILD and MANAGE everything.
It's natural to profit off of the growth of a country and nation.
And this is why China is so influential in so many "Third World" nations.
This is how China holds power and influence on the world.
They make you rely on them by offering you A SERVICE.
China holds power over America because THEY MAKE EVERYTHING AMERICANS BUY.
The entire argument against "evil" China is that they constantly try to make stuff and make you dependent on them.
USA foreign policy is simple.
Listen to the USA or they will FUCK YOU UP.
It's the threat of violence.
It's an influence that only lasts with absolute power to annihilate the enemy.
China's influence lasts as long as China is helpful to other countries.
People often wonder why I'm so influential.
It's because I help people.
Listen to Tate and your life gets better.
I promote ONLY positive things that benefit people.
THE REAL WORLD is the best educational platform on planet Earth which has birthed over 10,000 success stories of people who went from nothing to something.
THE WAR ROOM has connected masculine, honest, good and capable men from across the world and created the largest positive spiral of win-win wealth creation in modern times.
I write a daily email that resolves itself to be a bastion of advice to those looking to increase one's self-worth.
Have you used the message form on the right side of this blog.
Use it to commune with me. Let me know what your opportunities to gain while living a retired or laboring lifestyle.
I'm very interested in where you are in your journey. No opinion or story is out of reach from my understanding.
Don't allow the Chinese to be an immovable force in your community. Continue the fight. Self-governance and a profitable life is very important.

And What Are Your Struggles
Brothers are the most valuable asset on planet Earth.
Men who place your life above others.
You've never valued it because you've never felt the harsh realities of life.
When it's life or death, WW1, in a trench,
Do you think a soldier would rather have better food for rations or better men by their side?
In Gaza right now, as food and water are scarce,
Who do you think eats?
Nobodies or well-known families cherished by the community?
When you have REAL struggles, you start to appreciate the men around you who will help when no one else wants the trouble.
You start to realize relationships are the glue that holds this entire world together,
Nothing is more important,
Nothing is as valuable,
As the capable men who place your life above others.
Remember that when you look around and see yourself surrounded by nobodies.
You've only made it this far alone because you haven't had REAL struggle.
Struggle is coming.
Do not be alone.