Retirement Solutions That Are Still In Play

Retirement, the glorious time when you trade in your work pants for sweatpants and your alarm clock for a rooster named Bob. But how do you ensure you can afford to live out your golden years without resorting to selling homemade jam at the farmer's market? Fear not, my friend, for I have scoured the digital universe to bring you the latest and greatest in retirement solutions.

First off, let's talk about the classics: 401(k)s, IRAs, and annuities. These are like the bread and butter of retirement planning. You know, the stuff that's been around since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. But don't let their age fool you, these financial vehicles are still kicking and can help you build a nest egg that would make even the most stubborn ostrich jealous.

Now, if you're feeling adventurous, you might want to explore some of the newer options on the market. For example, there's the "Retirement Income Solutions" from Fidelity Investments, which offers a variety of professionally managed funds designed to help your money grow while in retirement. It's like having a financial advisor who works for you 24/7, minus the awkward small talk.

But wait, there's more! If you're looking for a more personalized approach, you might want to consider working with a financial advisor or retirement planner. These professionals can help you create a customized plan that takes into account your unique goals, needs, and risk tolerance. Plus, they can help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of retirement planning, so you don't have to spend your golden years deciphering tax codes and investment jargon.

In conclusion, there are plenty of retirement solutions out there, from the tried-and-true classics to the new and innovative. The key is to find the one that best fits your needs and helps you achieve the retirement of your dreams. And remember, whether you're planning to spend your golden years sipping margaritas on a beach or hiking the Appalachian Trail, it's never too early to start planning for the future.

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California Food Workers Get $20 But At A Cost

Fast food workers in California are now earning a minimum wage of $20 per hour, thanks to a new law that took effect in April. However, some franchise owners are responding by cutting worker hours to offset the higher labor costs.

The California Restaurant Association, which represents some franchise owners, says the wage hike has become a "breaking point" for some businesses. But economists say it's too early to tell the long-term impact of the wage increase on the industry.

Despite the concerns, the fast food industry has actually added jobs in the first two months after the law passed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Some workers say the higher wage has allowed them to pay bills on time and take better care of their families. But others worry that reduced hours will make it harder to make ends meet.

As for the celebratory part of working fewer hours, well, let's just say that's a bit of a stretch. It seems like the workers are celebrating their new wage by... working fewer hours, but not exactly by choice. It's more like they're celebrating their new wage by... making ends meet with fewer hours.

And if you scrolled through a "California wage" YouTube search you will see the pain. Pain and suffering voiced by low wage earners with no skills can be seen all over YouTube. If it isn't based on rental evictions or car payments, it seems like all are suffering in California.

Joe Biden Verifies Defiance of SAVE ACT

This is important!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) sent a letter to the chief election official of all fifty States, with a copy to each Governor and Attorney General explaining how they can use two key existing federal laws to obtain information from the US Department of Homeland Security about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for “any purpose authorized by law.” Ensuring the integrity of voter rolls and investigating whether to remove potentially ineligible voters from voter rolls is undoubtedly a “purpose authorized by law,” and therefore, these laws can serve a vital function in providing States and localities with the information that they need to prevent aliens from voting. 

Given the unprecedented amount of illegal immigration that the United States has experienced since January 20, 2021–with millions upon millions of illegal aliens coming into the interior of the United States–and widespread concerns about the presence of aliens on voter rolls, the time is now for responsible election officials to do everything that they can under existing law to protect the integrity of upcoming elections. 

The Problem: The issue of noncitizens voting in federal elections can be complex–including what States are and are not allowed to do when voter applicants use the federal form:

Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from voting or registering to vote in federal elections.
Federal law also imposes upon States an obligation to conduct voter list maintenance. 
The US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) created a federal voter registration form that does not require applicants to demonstrate proof of citizenship. Instead, it merely requires voter registrants to sign a form “under penalty of perjury,” swearing or affirming that “I am a United States citizen.”