Stop Being A Could Have Been

You cannot turn back the clock.

You can't take back any moves,

There is no rematch when this is all over.

You, have misplayed your hand.

You failed when you NEEDED to succeed.

And you are currently living with the consequences.

Life is very fair.

Winning makes winning easier.

Losing makes losing easier.

There's a version of yourself who for the past 4 years did everything he was supposed to do.

Went to the gym whether he felt like it or not.

Looked at the chaos of the world and thought about how to position himself.

Worked tirelessly, 24 hours a day, every day, focused on a single goal.

That version of you is happy now. The game is easy for him.

He's won, made multi-millions during the easiest time to make money on earth.

He's rich, well-off and focusing on his next moves without the same level of pressure to perform.

And he could've been you.

The best time to do what you were supposed to do was yesterday.

The second best time is now.


Failure only makes winning harder.



Be Prepared For The Storms On Deck

Make friends like there will be a supply chain or social infrastructure collapse and you will have to rely on each other for survival. 

Make friends like the world is about to get HARD and your government doesn't actually care about you.

Make friends like you may have to go through the hard times that make good men.

Because you will need to.

The world isn't becoming MORE peaceful.

Peace is not the natural state of humankind,

You forgot this because your parents forgot this.

Your grandparents knew this, but it is not easy to instill such concepts STRONG enough for them to hold.

The natural state of humanity is WAR.

It is CHAOS.

It's unpredictability, it's change.

It's winners win MORE and losers lose MORE.

It's less middle class, more ultra-wealthy, and more slaves.

It's accelerated change and game-changing innovations.

It's adapt or lose.


Prepare before it’s too late. 


Education Matters

Education is the bedrock of success.

I do not mean university degrees or the traditional schooling system.

I am talking about REAL EDUCATION.

Collecting information about how the world truly works.

Throughout history, public schools have often been designed based on the needs of the country.

Need rocket scientists to reach the moon?

Focus heavily on physics and sciences.

Need to produce world-leading microchips?

Focus heavily on electrical engineering and computer sciences.

Need a group of consumer slaves?

Focus heavily on 20+ genders and how to use pronouns best.

The University system today, isn’t what it used to be.

University used to be a low-cost, high-return investment.

It used to be exclusive to the doctors, engineers and lawyers of the world.

Wanted to become someone of importance 50 years ago? Go to University.


Have you ever wondered how the greatest commercial rocket business SpaceX is run by a man without an aerospace degree?

University is not designed to make you rich.

It’s not designed to do anything but keep you happy as you hand them hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Because of the monumental failure of the educational system,

I have decided to let people know about the ALTERNATIVE.

We only teach you one thing - how to get rich, QUICKLY. 

We have over 10,000 testimonies from students who became rich from our platform. 

Watch the videos yourself. 

See ordinary people making extraordinary money. 

These people are all winning and you are still losing. 


I present you.

The Matrix tried to stop us from owning this domain - the Matrix failed. 

The Matrix is crumbling and must accept we are freeing the minds of fast movers - 

And we have space for 2500 new students inside The Real World. 

Join through this link urgently. 

I will broadcast an email when all of the spaces are taken. 








Learn how to make money online, urgently and instantly. 

Winners win. 

Losers wait. 

The WORLD is waiting for you.
