A credit freeze prevents lenders from checking your credit report in order to open a new account. A freeze may also prevent your information from being released for other inquiries, such as an employment or a rental application. Federal law allows certain transactions – such as those for insurance purposes – to continue even while a credit freeze is in place, and you should continue to monitor your credit. If you have a freeze on your credit report, you will need to remove it before you apply for credit.
When you are ready to apply for a new loan or credit card, simply log in to remove your freeze here.
If I freeze with TransUnion do I need to freeze with the other bureaus?
You can freeze your TransUnion credit report with us, but to freeze your other credit reports you must contact each of the other credit agencies. Their information is below.
Could someone access my credit report even though I placed a freeze on it?
Yes, but only in certain situations that are allowed by federal law. A freeze won’t stop someone from checking your credit in order to:
- Underwrite insurance
- Review your account or collection (maintain, monitor, upgrade or enhance your account, or increase your credit line)
- Provide credit monitoring services you subscribed to
You can find a detailed list of exceptions here.
Note: You have the right to limit "prescreened" offers of credit or insurance you get based on information in your credit report. If you want to remove your name and address from prescreen mailing lists obtained from the major credit reporting agencies — TransUnion, Equifax, Experian and Innovis — click here.